Essex, Vermont Republican Town Committee

Advocating Liberty and Community.  Committed to advancing the cause of freedom,  fiscal responsibility, and individual liberty  in our beloved Essex, Vermont.

Logo, Essex Town Republicans.  Elephants overlayed on Train, symbolizing the GOP and Essex history as a train hub

The official Republican Committee for the Town of Essex, Vermont

Our Candidates!

Lynn Smith, for VT House, Chittenden 23 (central Essex)

Ron Lawrence for VT House, Chittenden 24 (rural Essex)

Hang a red ribbon to show your support!

      Founded by a dedicated group of citizens from Essex Town, Vermont - the Essex Town Republicans embody the spirit of community, responsibility, and liberty.  We believe in the power of local governance, the importance of individual freedoms, and the necessity of economic prudence.  We stand for a vibrant and prosperous Essex where every citizen has the opportunity to succeed.

Learn more...

Essex Town Republicans Platform Highlights:  

1. Fiscal Responsibility:  We advocate for the careful and efficient use of taxpayer dollars to ensure sustainable growth for our community

2. Education: We support empowering parents and local schools with more decision-making power, fostering an educational environment tailored to our children's needs

3. Economic Growth: We stand for policies that drive economic development, promote small businesses, and create more jobs for our residents

4. Preserving Liberties:  We emphasize individual freedom and the importance of personal responsibility

5. Community Safety:  We support policies ensuring the safety and security of our town, maintaining Essex as a peaceful and inviting place to live

See the VT GOP Platform...

Essex Town Republicans Upcoming Events:  

Get Involved!

Join : Join the Essex Town Republicans. We welcome all who share our vision for a stronger Essex.   Join Now

Volunteer:  Give your time and talents . Opportunities range from event support to outreach initiatives. Volunteer Now

Donate:  Every donation, large or small, contributes to our efforts to make a difference in our community. Support us in creating a brighter future for Essex.   Donate Now

Stay Informed:  Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest news, updates, and opportunities from the Essex Town Republicans delivered directly to your inbox.   Subscribe Now

Why Now?

      If our local elections indicate correctly, we've lost interest.   Fewer & fewer of our residents participate in local governance, focusing mostly on national events.  Our local election turn out (even with mail in voting) averages about 1/3 of registered voters.

     Understandably - we're busy with family, jobs, & life in general....but current policy takes a toll.   We've seen too many friends leave our state due to the cost of living, and we truly want to work together to build our economy and keep Vermont affordable.  We need your help!